Press Release


AB-Kefir Probiotic from Synbio Tech Secures U.S. Patent, Paving the Way for Global Health and Dietary Innovation

AB-Kefir Probiotic from Synbio Tech Secures U.S. Patent, Paving the Way for Global Health and Dietary Innovation

Synbio Tech's flagship product, "AB-Kefir Probiotics," was recently granted a U.S. invention patent (Patent Number: US 11,839,635B1). This award not only affirms the company’s outstanding achievements in probiotic research and innovation but also underscores AB-Kefir's leadership in the global health and dietary market. The acquisition of this patent demonstrates the unique efficacy of AB-Kefir in combating foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella, providing consumers with a safer and more effective solution for gut health.

Kefir, originating from the Caucasus region, is a traditional fermented beverage known for its rich probiotic and prebiotic components. It has become part of the modern healthy dietary culture passed down through generations. Synbio Tech has created the globally unique AB-Kefir Probiotic using cutting-edge research and production technologies. The innovative SYNTEK® thorough symbiotic fermentation production module brings a revolutionary quality breakthrough. Selecting five probiotic strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus LRH10, Lactobacillus paracasei LPC12, Lactobacillus fermentum LF26, Streptococcus thermophilus ST30, Lactobacillus helveticus LH43) for a unique symbiotic fermentation process, and especially adding Lactobacillus acidophilus LA1063 and Bifidobacterium longum BL986 to meet contemporary dietary needs, AB-Kefir is tailored to provide a stable, higher CFU probiotic product. AB-Kefir preserves the traditional health benefits of kefir and demonstrates outstanding effects through scientific experiments in digestion absorption, promoting bowel movements, maintaining bacterial ecosystem balance, and resisting pathogens.

As the role of probiotics in contemporary healthy living becomes increasingly crucial, the success of AB-Kefir marks not only a significant achievement in technological innovation but also symbolizes the perfect integration of tradition and modern science, heralding a healthier and brighter future. Synbio Tech will continue its commitment to developing more high-quality health products, aiming to provide comprehensive health support to consumers worldwide. This breakthrough solidifies Synbio Tech's global health and dietary leadership and offers more choices for healthy consumers.

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